About Us

Renewable & Compostable Biobased Biopolymers

With a vision to improve the sustainability and anticipating market trends and future environmental regulations, Hi Tech Group a 38 year old manufacturer of masterbatches, resins and films has developed a new range of renewable and compostable biobased biopolymers: Our bio polymers are produced from Corn Starch in the agriculture rich region of Punjab, India and available in 45
countries globally.

Hi Tech Group’s commitment towards sustainability is oriented to reduce the greenhouse gasses impact, minimize the dependence on fossil oil derivatives, promote the use of renewable energies and to reduce the plastic waste in the environment.


Compostable Bio-Polymers & Products

Specialized Polymer & Films Manufacture

Core Value

The group has been in existence for more than 38 years. Hi Tech is the fastest growing specialized polymer and films manufacturer in the Indian industry and a truly Indian MNC with overseas operations in USA , Mexico and Italy and presence in 45 countries globally . HI Tech has experienced growth rates of more than 44% year on year for the last 4 years. Our solutions work for the customer in the first recommendation which is due to our technical knowledge and experience.

Following our core values,
we have optimized our production processes in order to reduce the generated waste with a “zero waste” policy and to minimize our Co2 footprint impact from our activities.